First trimester
What kinds of food should I eat? Which should I avoid?
What medicines can I take?
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you should also ask about how your pregnancy will affect your health.
Should I be taking vitamins or other supplements? What kind?
How much weight should I be gaining throughout the pregnancy?
What screenings do I need? Does the hospital offer special packages that I can take advantage of?
What can help with morning sickness?
What symptoms should I expect?
What qualifies as an emergency?
Does my line of work pose any threats to my unborn child?
How much housework can I do?
Which exercises are safe for me to do?
Is it safe to get my hair dyed and to get massages?
How much can I travel?
How can I have sex safely?
When may I call/message you for questions?
Second trimester
Is my weight gain normal?
What food should I be eating to boost baby’s brain development in utero?
Are there new symptoms that will come up at this stage of the pregnancy?
What’s the sex of my baby?
Is my baby’s development on track?
How can I sleep better at night?
Is there anything I can do to prevent/ease back pain?
What should I expect at and from the Congenital Anomaly Scan?
What vital aspects should I cover in my birth plan?
What childbirth/newborn care classes do you recommend?
Do I need to do kegel exercises?
Is it safe for me to go on my babymoon? (Share your travel plans)
Third trimester
Is my weight gain normal? Will the rate of gaining increase this trimester?
Is there anything to note in tracking my baby’s movements?
Would you advise cord blood banking?
How much physical activity is healthy? How can I still keep fit at this stage?
Is it safe to have sex at this stage?
What signs of labour should I look out for?
When should I go to the hospital?
Whom can I have in the delivery room with me?
What are my options for pain relief?
What are your views on delayed cord clamping with immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth?
What situations would warrant an emergency C-section?
What happens during an emergency C-section?
When will you have to induce labor?
Can we go over my birth plan?
May I ask for your emergency contact number/s?
When’s the best time for me to start my maternity leave?
What breastfeeding support does the hospital offer?